Headless React

This package is a set of fully customizable React components that can be used to build a headless UI for a Firmhouse Storefront. For now, it only supports building a custom checkout page, but we are planning to add more components in the future.


To install the package, you can run the following command:

npm install @firmhouse/firmhouse-sdk @firmhouse/headless-react


To use the components, you need to wrap them in a FirmhouseCartProvider component and pass the apiToken prop. You should provide a storefront access token that you can get from the Firmhouse Portal.

import { 
} from '@firmhouse/headless-react';

const fields = [
  ...defaultCheckoutFields.slice(0, 3),
    fields: [
        name: "termsAccepted",
        label: <Translated value="checkout.fields.termsAccepted.label" />,
        inputProps: {
          className: styles.checkbox,

export default function CheckoutPage({apiToken, cartToken, locale}) {
  return (
      locale={locale ?? 'en'}
      availableCountries={["BE", "NL"]}
        en: {
          checkout: {
            title: "Checkout",
            fields: {
              termsAccepted: {
                label: "I accept the terms and conditions",
        nl: {
          checkout: {
            title: "Afrekenen",
            fields: {
              termsAccepted: {
                label: "Ik accepteer de algemene voorwaarden",
              email: {
                label: "Emailadres",
                placeholder: "Emailadres",
      <h1><Translated value="checkout.title" /></h1>
        <CheckoutForm fields={fields} inputClassName="input" />
        <OrderedProductsList onlyOneTimeProducts />
        <br />
        <OrderedProductsList onlyRecurringProducts />
        <OrderSummary />


  • FirmhouseCartProvider: A provider component that wraps the other components and provides them with the necessary data and functionality.

  • CheckoutForm: A form component that allows users to fill in their details and place an order. This is the main component that you need to use to build a custom checkout page.

  • OrderedProductsList: A list component that displays the products that the user has ordered. You can use this component to show the products that the user has added to their cart.

  • OrderSummary: A summary component that displays the total price of the order. You can use this component to show the total price of the order.

  • Translated: A component that allows you to translate text in your components. You can use this component to provide translations for your components.

Last updated

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