
List of outstanding invoices. An invoice is outstanding when payment has not (yet) come in and when the invoice has not been credited.



invoicedSince (ISO8601DateTime)

Filter invoices to those that where invoiced since the given datetime.

invoicedUntil (ISO8601DateTime)

Filter invoices to those that where invoiced until the given datetime.

updatedSince (ISO8601DateTime)

Filter invoices to those that where updated since the given datetime.

updatedUntil (ISO8601DateTime)

Filter invoices to those that where updated until the given datetime.

subscriptionId (ID)

Only list invoices that match the passed in subscription ID.

paymentTypes ([PaymentTypeEnum!])

Only list invoices with selected payment type. Lists all payment types if none given.

statuses ([InvoiceStatusEnum!])

Filter invoices on given status. Lists all invoices if none given.

excludePending (Boolean)

Exclude invoices that have payment status PENDING. Useful for treating payments underway as not-outstanding.

excludeDebtCollectionCases (Boolean)

Exclude invoices that have a debt collection case

after (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come after the specified cursor.

before (String)

Returns the elements in the list that come before the specified cursor.

first (Int)

Returns the first n elements from the list.

last (Int)

Returns the last n elements from the list.

Return fields

edges ([InvoiceEdge])

A list of edges.

nodes ([Invoice])

A list of nodes.

pageInfo (PageInfo!)

Information to aid in pagination.

totalCount (Int)

The total number of items available.

Last updated

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