
Represents a subscription cart/draft stage.


activePlan (Plan)

The plan that's set for this cart.

address (String)

The customer's shipping address or just street. Can include houseNumber if not separately stored in houseNumber field.

billToAddress (String)

The customer's billing address address line or street.

billToCity (String)

The customer's billing address city or town.

billToCompanyName (String)

The company name of the customer's billing address.

billToCountry (String)

The customer's billing address country code (ISO3661).

billToDistrict (String)

The customer's billing address district.

billToFullAddress (String)

The customer's billing address full address by combining address and house number.

billToFullName (String)

The customer's billing address full name.

billToHouseNumber (String)

The customer's billing address house, building, or appartment number.

billToLastName (String)

The customer's billing address last name.

billToName (String)

The customer' billing address first name.

billToPhoneNumber (String)

The customer's billing address phone number (international format).

billToSalutation (String)

The customer's billing address salutation (mr,ms,mx).

billToState (String)

The customer's billing address state or province (ISO3661-2).

billToZipcode (String)

The customer's billing address zip code or postal code.

city (String)

The customer's city

companyName (String)

The customer's company name in case of a B2B customer.

country (String)

The customer's country (two-letter ISO code)

dateOfBirth (ISO8601Date)

The customer's date of birth

email (String)

The customer's email address

extraFields ([ExtraFieldAnswer!])

List of extra fields and its values on this cart.

fullName (String)

The customer's full name

houseNumber (String)

The customer's houseNumber if given

id (Int)

The unique ID of this cart

initialAmountIncludingTaxCents (Int)

The initial amount the customer will pay at signup including tax in cents.

lastName (String)

The customer's last name

marketingOptIn (Boolean)

Whether the customer is opted in to receiving marketing communication.

monthlyAmountExcludingTaxCents (Int)

The monthly amount for this subscription excluding tax in cents

monthlyAmountIncludingTaxCents (Int)

The monthly amount for this subscription including tax in cents

monthlyAmountTaxCents (Int)

The total amount of tax for this subscription monthly amount in cents

name (String)

The customer's first name

orderedProducts ([OrderedProduct!])

A list of the cart's ordered products.

phoneNumber (String)

The customer's phone number (international format)

products ([Product!])

A list of the cart's products (via OrderedProducts).

project (Project!)

salutation (String)

The customer's salutation (mr, ms, mx)

signupCompletedAt (String)

The date and time when the subscription completed their signup and made their initial payment (or no payment if free).

state (String)

The customer's state

subscribedPlan (SubscribedPlan)

The subscribed plan for this cart

token (String)

Token of the subscription represented by this cart.

vatNumber (String)

The company's VAT number.

zipcode (String)

The customer's postal code or zipcode

Last updated

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