Autogenerated input type of CreateSubscription
clientMutationId (String)
A unique identifier for the client performing the mutation.
metadata (JSON)
Metadata that can be used by developers to store additional information on objects.
token (ID)
The token of the subscription to update, or creates a new one if one doesn't exist.
companyName (String)
The company name of the customer.
vatNumber (String)
The company VAT number.
salutation (String)
The customer's salutation (mr,ms,mx).
name (String)
The customer's first name.
lastName (String)
The customer's last name.
address (String)
The customer's address line or street.
zipcode (String)
The customer's zip code or postal code.
houseNumber (String)
The customer's house, building, or appartment number.
city (String)
The customer's city or town.
country (String)
The customer's country code (ISO3661).
state (String)
The customer's state or province (ISO3661-2).
district (String)
The customer's district.
phoneNumber (String)
The customer's phone number (international format).
dateOfBirth (ISO8601Date)
The customer's date of birth (yyyy-mm-dd).
differentBillingAddress (Boolean)
Whether billing and shipping addresses are the same. Set this flag to `true` to store a separate billing address.
billToCompanyName (String)
The company name of the customer's billing address.
billToSalutation (String)
The customer's billing address salutation (mr,ms,mx).
billToName (String)
The customer's billing address first name.
billToLastName (String)
The customer's billing address last name.
billToAddress (String)
The customer's billing address address line or street.
billToZipcode (String)
The customer's billing address zip code or postal code.
billToHouseNumber (String)
The customer's billing address house, building, or appartment number.
billToCity (String)
The customer's billing address city or town.
billToCountry (String)
The customer's billing address country code (ISO3661).
billToState (String)
The customer's billing address state or province (ISO3661-2).
billToDistrict (String)
The customer's billing address district.
billToPhoneNumber (String)
The customer's billing address phone number (international format).
email (String)
The customer's email address.
termsAccepted (Boolean)
Whether the customer accepted the terms and conditions.
marketingOptIn (Boolean)
Whether the customer accepted optional marketing communication opt-in.
extraFields ([ExtraFieldInput!])
Extra field values for the subscription.
locale (String)
The customer's language/locale. Must be enabled on the project.
skipAutoActivationOnSignup (Boolean)
Don't automatically activate the subscription on signup.
chargeDayOfTheMonth (Int)
The day of the month when the customer is charged.
trialPeriodMonths (Int)
The number of months before the customer is charged for the first time.
customerReference (String)
The field that can be used for your internal reference. For example, internal customer id.
status (SubscriptionStatus)
The current status of the subscription. (default: inactive)
signupCompletedAt (ISO8601DateTime)
The time when the signup was completed.
activatedAt (ISO8601DateTime)
The time the subscription was activated.
cancelledAt (ISO8601DateTime)
The time the subscription was (fully) cancelled.
cancellationStartedAt (ISO8601DateTime)
The time the subscription started the cancellation process (with two-step cancellation)
markedAsNonPayingAt (ISO8601DateTime)
Time time the subscription was marked as non-paying.
mollieCustomerId (String)
The Mollie Customer ID (cst_XXX)
stripeCustomerId (String)
The Stripe Customer ID (cus_XXX)
stripePaymentMethodId (String)
The Stripe Payment Method ID of the active payment method to charge. (pm_XXX)
adyenShopperReference (String)
The Adyen shopper reference being used for charges.
adyenRecurringDetailReference (String)
Specify a specific recurring payment reference, also requires the adyen payment method variant to be set. If either of them is not this field will be ignored
adyenPaymentMethodVariant (AdyenPaymentMethodVariant)
Specify a specific recurring payment method, also requires the adyen payment reference to be set. If either of them is not this field will be ignored
importedSubscriptionId (String)
Unique ID for an imported subscription.
notes (String)
Notes specific for this subscription
pspPaymentProperties (JSON)
Additional payment service provider specific properties used for payment creation.
serviceChannelId (ID)
The ID of the service channel to use for this subscription.
projectToken (ID)
orderedProducts ([OrderedProductInput!])
The products to subscribe to
weChatOpenId (String)
nextBillingDate (ISO8601Date)
Moment when the next billing cycle will be run, only available for plan based subscription that use the flexible biling cycle
returnUrl (String)
The URL the customer gets redirected to when signup or initial payment was succesful. can be left blank to use the Firmhouse order confirmation page.
paymentPageUrl (String!)
The URL of the page where your customer can re-initiate the checkout flow if something fails.
planId (ID)
The plan the customer will subscribe to.
discountCode (String)
Discount code to apply when signing up
Last updated