Translations and custom copy
The Firmhouse Storefront JS SDK comes with English and Dutch translations. It is automatically translated based on the customers browser settings. You can also force specific language so it won't depend on the browser.
If you want, you can add additional languages, or modify our default translation strings.
Just add or override any strings in the window.Firmhouse = {}
code upon loading the Storefront JS SDK in your website or e-commerce theme.
Some examples:
Changing what the Cart is called
If you want the Your Cart title to be called Your Subscription set up your window.Firmhouse = {}
configuration as follows:
Adding another language
If you want to add another language, like German, you can do so as follows:
All translation keys
Here is a list of all available translation keys and their default value per language:
Forcing specific language
If you want to set specific language and ignore browser settings, you can pass the language
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